The color of the axis
The width of the wxis
Specify a character width in environments where it cannot be calculated
What format should the labels follow? Uses d3's formatting pattern.
Should the axis be grided?
The color of the grid
The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the grid dash array.
Stoke opacity of the grid, 0-1
Grid width, in pixels
Angle the labels should be rendered at
The maximum length of a label to display prior to truncation
Should the axis have labels?
Which layer the axis should be rendered in
How far the axis should be offset
The orientation of the axis Only certain vlues are allowed, depending on the channel being specified
Should shorter time labels be used?
How any subdivisions should the axis have?
What color should the tick marks be?
What color should the ticks' labels be?
What font should the ticks' labels be?
What font size should the ticks' labels have?
How much padding should a tick have?
How many pixels should a tick be?
What size should major ticks be?
What size should minor ticks be?
Should tick marks be displayed on the axis?
Generated using TypeDoc
Specifies the display of an axis for a channel