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Interface AxisDef

Specifies the display of an axis for a channel


  • AxisDef



Optional axisColor

axisColor: undefined | string

The color of the axis

Optional axisWidth

axisWidth: undefined | number

The width of the wxis

Optional characterWidth

characterWidth: undefined | number

Specify a character width in environments where it cannot be calculated

Optional format

format: undefined | string

What format should the labels follow? Uses d3's formatting pattern.

Optional grid

grid: undefined | true | false

Should the axis be grided?

Optional gridColor

gridColor: undefined | string

The color of the grid

Optional gridDash

gridDash: number[]

The offset (in pixels) into which to begin drawing with the grid dash array.

Optional gridOpacity

gridOpacity: undefined | number

Stoke opacity of the grid, 0-1

Optional gridWidth

gridWidth: undefined | number

Grid width, in pixels

Optional labelAngle

labelAngle: undefined | number

Angle the labels should be rendered at

Optional labelMaxLength

labelMaxLength: undefined | number

The maximum length of a label to display prior to truncation

Optional labels

labels: undefined | true | false

Should the axis have labels?

Optional layer

layer: "front" | "back"

Which layer the axis should be rendered in

Optional offset

offset: undefined | number

How far the axis should be offset

Optional orient

orient: "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right"

The orientation of the axis Only certain vlues are allowed, depending on the channel being specified

Optional shortTimeLabels

shortTimeLabels: undefined | true | false

Should shorter time labels be used?

Optional subdivide

subdivide: undefined | number

How any subdivisions should the axis have?

Optional tickColor

tickColor: undefined | string

What color should the tick marks be?

Optional tickLabelColor

tickLabelColor: undefined | string

What color should the ticks' labels be?

Optional tickLabelFont

tickLabelFont: undefined | string

What font should the ticks' labels be?

Optional tickLabelFontSize

tickLabelFontSize: undefined | number

What font size should the ticks' labels have?

Optional tickPadding

tickPadding: undefined | number

How much padding should a tick have?

Optional tickSize

tickSize: undefined | number

How many pixels should a tick be?

Optional tickSizeEnd

tickSizeEnd: undefined | number

Optional tickSizeMajor

tickSizeMajor: undefined | number

What size should major ticks be?

Optional tickSizeMinor

tickSizeMinor: undefined | number

What size should minor ticks be?

Optional tickWidth

tickWidth: undefined | number

Optional ticks

ticks: undefined | number

Should tick marks be displayed on the axis?

Optional title

title: undefined | string

Optional titleColor

titleColor: undefined | string

Optional titleFont

titleFont: undefined | string

Optional titleFontSize

titleFontSize: undefined | number

Optional titleFontWeight

titleFontWeight: undefined | number

Optional titleMaxLength

titleMaxLength: undefined | number

Optional titleOffset

titleOffset: undefined | number

Optional values

values: number[] | DateTimeDef[]

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