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External module "actions/add-data-source"


Type aliases


AddDataSourceAction: ReduxStandardAction<"ADD_DATA_SOURCE", object>


AddMemoryDataSourceAction: AddDataSourceAction<"memory", __type, S>


AddSqliteFileDataSourceAction: AddDataSourceAction<"sqlite-file", object, S>



id: number = 0



  • Creates an action which when dispatched informs the sources reducer to add a new data source This action creator generates monotonically increasing identifiers for the data sources it creates, which are accessable in the resulting action payload

    Type parameters

    • C

    • S


    • type: "sqlite-file"

      The string identifying the kind of data source being created

    • metadata: object

      The object containing information the data source wants to keep around to serialize and deserialize

      • path: string
    • cache: C

      An initial set of data to cache for the data source

    • adapter: SqlDataSourceAdapter<S>

      The adapter associated with the new data source

    Returns AddSqliteFileDataSourceAction<C>

  • Creates an action which when dispatched informs the sources reducer to add a new data source This action creator generates monotonically increasing identifiers for the data sources it creates, which are accessable in the resulting action payload

    Type parameters

    • C


    • type: "memory"

      The string identifying the kind of data source being created

    • metadata: __type

      The object containing information the data source wants to keep around to serialize and deserialize

    • cache: C

      An initial set of data to cache for the data source

    • adapter: MemoryDataSourceAdapter

      The adapter associated with the new data source

    Returns AddMemoryDataSourceAction<C>

  • Creates an action which when dispatched informs the sources reducer to add a new data source This action creator generates monotonically increasing identifiers for the data sources it creates, which are accessable in the resulting action payload

    Type parameters

    • S: string

    • M

    • C


    • type: S

      The string identifying the kind of data source being created

    • metadata: M

      The object containing information the data source wants to keep around to serialize and deserialize

    • cache: C

      An initial set of data to cache for the data source

    • adapter: DataAdapter

      The adapter associated with the new data source

    Returns AddDataSourceAction<S, M, C>

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